user interface

Tips to design a perfect User Interface on your website

The design of your website is not a merely aesthetic element. In fact, nearly 70% of bounces are related to poor user experiences. And why is this? Basically, to the user interface.

Beyond offering an attractive and well-groomed image on an aesthetic level, it is essential that users quickly find what they are looking for and can move quickly through your website. You must offer a useful and functional experience.

This is one of the fundamental aspects to improve conversion, and even helps to improve search engine positioning and, therefore, to achieve success in your business. More and more brands are aware of its importance and, therefore, invest in quality designs. Some simply spectacular.

How to achieve it?

At Doowebs we are experts in web development, and in this post we give you all the keys, so you can develop the perfect user interface for your business. Take note!

User interface: current trends

What sells better today?

This question is so complicated that we could write books and books to answer it… And there would still be pending questions. However, we can tell you about the trends best valued by users in recent years and that more and more brands are adopting because they simply work to improve usability


The simplest and least saturated designs are currently the ones that work best in the vast majority of sectors. This does not mean ceasing to transmit the elements that make up your value proposition: message, images, corporate values, advantages of your product or service… All of this matters, of course it matters. You just have to find a way to count more, with less

Typography gains prominence

In minimalist spaces, the written word becomes the centre of attention and a single word or phrase must convey what was previously said in entire paragraphs. To do this, some brands are committed to mixing different types of typography: serif and sans serif, using outlines… Do tests until you find your formula.

A column of text

In the past, web designs with two or more columns of text were used, imitating the format of paper newspapers. But that was left behind. Single column layouts help to have more precise control of the user’s path through the web. The ideal is to guide it along a vertical path to prevent it from dispersing and ending up leaving the site.

Fluid effects

The websites of the big brands have accustomed users to 3D movement, liquid simulations and other hypnotizing effects. You must live up to the best of your ability.

Motion design

Animated content is capable of surprising your target and works very well to work on engagement.

Calls to action

They work very well once you have shown the user that value proposition that you have for him. If possible, make them stand out with a button highlighted in a striking colour and with powerful copy.

What do you think about these trends?

Maybe they will go out of fashion in a few years, or maybe they are here to stay. What is certain is that these trends will help you improve the user interface and, therefore, the experience of your audiences on the web.

Trends that do not go out of style

The internet is a constant stream of trends that come and go. Of passing fashions. However, there are some aspects that seem immune to the passage of time and that, if they manage to stay in this dynamic world, it is because they provide unquestionable advantages.

We can summarize them in 3:


The time a user spends on your website is gold. At the level of UX, SEO and much more. It is not necessarily about using minimalist designs, as we talked about above, but about offering a simple web structure. To create a hierarchical architecture.

In this way you will avoid saturating visitors and end up fleeing the web. But not only that: users spend much more time on intuitive websites because they can quickly move from one place to another without getting lost. Find what they are looking for. Remember to use a simple menu, with few categories and subcategories.


It is proven: we people love to feel like the protagonists of our own experiences. Put it into practice: make your audience feel part of your project through sensory techniques, animations, games, and other interactive systems in which they can participate.

It is about giving them a plus capable of surprising them, yes,related to your brand and your value proposition.


Small details can make the difference. In addition to surprising your audience in the most unexpected moments, they will help you convey a perfectionist and detailed image: something that will speak highly of your products and services in the first place.

Tips to improve your user interface

Still not sure how to create the perfect user interface?

Here are 5 tips that work very well for us

Put the focus on the user

You already know that he is demanding and likes to be the protagonist, so you must know him thoroughly to adapt your website to what interests him. But do not limit yourself to basic statistics: although they are good for knowing demographic data, you must go further.

We recommend you carry out an in-depth analysis of your potential clients and design a real user: an avatar, with name, surname, age, profession, interests… Only then can you focus the website on their needs, but also motivate them to carry out certain actions.

Responsive design

Don’t forget to adapt your content to different device sizes with a responsive design. This will avoid increasing load times or having framing issues with the layout.

Take care of the resolution

As experts in web development, at Doowebs we do not conceive a web page that does not offer a high-quality image. Make it awesome. Make sure your website supports high resolution images and conveys a vivid and realistic image.

Pamper the colours

Beyond image quality, be sure to choose contrasting colour schemes to create a clear design that is pleasing to the eye and, very importantly, consistent with the content.

For example, if you offer a legal service, it would not be logical to opt for very aggressive contrasts, such as fluorescent green on a black background. This, however, could be suitable for certain video game websites, among others.

Remember, at this point, to take care of the transitions between sections, avoiding sudden changes in color -and design in general- to maintain consistency and quality of experience.

Let them talk

Sometimes brands spend paragraphs and paragraphs talking about themselves and forget something: nothing more valuable than a positive comment. Include a section of testimonials to strengthen the confidence of your potential customers.

Use heat maps and eye tracking

To monitor the effectiveness of the user interface on our website, it is really useful to know which are the points that attract the most attention to the user.

Heat maps determine with warm and cool colours the parts where the user spends the most time, as well as those elements that he ignores. All this through eye tracking, where we can determine the trajectory of the user’s gaze.

In short, they help detect errors on the web. For example, misplaced elements such as advertising components, CTAs, or ineffective text blocks. It also helps to determine the most visible points in order to use them strategically.

Have these tips helped you?

If you need help to improve the user interface, Doowebs will be happy to help you.

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