Hoy en día tenemos muy de moda el poder insertar vídeos como fondo en vez de una imagen, pues bien aquí os dejo como hacerlo es muy sencillo solamente debemos preocuparnos de tener los tags de HTML5 y simplemente con estas líneas de código lo tenemos listo. Somos expertos en el diseño de páginas web […]
Web development
Equivalent to PHP’s print_r on Javascript
Well whenever I’m working with javascript and json I have the same problem … How I can make php print_r wonderful to see the whole structure of the object I’m trying to read?
Vertical alignment or centered vertically using DIV
I have always encountered the problem of vertically align a div to avoid having to be modifying the paddingwhen the text size is too long and takes up two rows … well here I leave the point of how to make thisautomatic alignment as it we do when we use a table … and it […]
Escaping quotes and special characters
One of the problems that we have found to make applications for PHP, is the need to escape the quotation marks in forms or in any update that is done from the front-end and stored in the DB my_sql. After reviewing some pages on the internet and see that many of us have the same […]